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Rachel Thornton

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine - Kenmore, Brisbane


    Hello! I am Rachel Thornton.

    I am a registered Acupuncturist and Doctor of Traditional Chinese medicine. I offer gentle acupuncture treatments and practical, down-to-earth advice to guide people towards better health, physical recovery and emotional balance.  


    I have a particular interest in hormonal disorders, PCOS, endometriosis, peri-menopause and menopause, painful periods, adolescent hormonal health, and all things fertility, pregnancy and beyond.

    I am also skilled in working with people with stress, sleep and fatigue issues, digestive concerns, musculoskeletal pain, and provide mental health support using a Chinese medicine framework.



    What happens during a treatment?

    Our initial consultation lasts for an hour. In this time, I will ask you about your physical and emotional health, your lifestyle and anything else that might impact your health. I will review your health history and any pathology tests or medical reports you may have received.

    I will invite you to lie down on the treatment table and I will feel your abdomen for tense or tender tense areas, feel your wrist pulse and look at your tongue. I will then insert really tiny (sterile and single use) needles. Usually, you have about 20 to 25 minutes with the needles in and you get to rest, sometimes you might fall asleep. Once the time is up, I remove the needles.

    Sometimes I might use different bits of equipment, such as an infrared lamp or moxibustion, to add some heat into the treatment. Or you might need some cups or gua sha - forms of Chinese medicine massage.


    We will also discuss any herbs, supplements and dietary or lifestyle changes I want you to make to help your health. 

    During the follow up appointment I allow 50 mins, half of which is a chat about your progress and the other half for a treatment.

    Non-needle techniques are available for children and people interested in how acupuncture can help them but not sure about needles.


    How many treatments do I need?

    The number of treatments needed depends on many factors, including how you respond to treatment, how long you have had the condition, the contributing factors and your capacity to rest and recover.  Like other forms of physical therapy, most people require more than one treatment. 


    I will develop a unique plan, personalised to you and your circumstances and will review frequently to make sure you’re happy with your progress.

    As a general guide:

    People with acute conditions may need treatment two times a week, or weekly during the initial stages of the condition and this is reduced as you improve. 


    People with chronic conditions often require weekly treatments until it's under control. For every year the condition has been present, it may require a month of treatment.

    Fertility and hormonal treatments I recommend working with me for at least 3 months. It takes 12 weeks to have a significant positive impact on fertility and hormones; for follicles to grow, to improve the ovarian environment and egg quality. It takes around 100 days for new sperm to develop.

    Pregnancy care can assist with symptoms of morning sickness, headaches, fatigue, breech position, induction and feedling issues. 


    Pre-birth acupuncture offers a safe treatment with the aim of promoting natural labour, and can be started from around 36 weeks.

    What should I do before I come for acupuncture?


    Have something to light to eat and wear loose clothing if possible. 

    What should I do after acupuncture?


    You are welcome to sit and relax in our waiting area, do some breathing, read one of our books, or just look at the hills until you feel ready to step out into the world.

    For the rest of the day, take it slow, get enough rest, allow yourself to feel emotions, have a nourishing meal, drink plenty of water, stay warm, and notice your feelings and report back to me at your next appointment.


    What will I feel and are there any side effects?


    Sometimes in the areas around where the needles are placed you can feel a heaviness, a pressure or a sensation, it’s hard to describe and everyone experiences it differently. It will not hurt, and if it does I will remove the needle.


    During treatment many people have a nap or feel a sense of calm and relaxation. Some people have an emotional release.


    Some people can feel a bit spacey and ultra relaxed after treatment. 


    Very occasionally the needles can leave small bruises, and the cups can leave round bruise-like circles, but these clear in a few days.

    Still have questions?

    Please give me a call on 0404 115 028. I won't answer the phone if I'm with a client, but leave me a message or send me an SMS and I will get back to you.  


    An initial consultation will look at your presenting symptoms, relevant background details, and your goals for treatment.  Please bring any recent pathology, a list of your current supplements and medications with you to your initial appointment.


    Allow 60 minutes for the initial consultation and acupuncture treatment, and arrive 10 minutes before your appointment to complete paperwork. $155


    Follow-up consultations consist of a review of your signs and symptoms and a treatment. Please allow 50 minutes. $110


    Fertility program consists of 12 weekly consecutive acupuncture appointments. Program is booked and paid for upfront. Any remaining appointments after a positive pregnancy test can be converted into pregnancy, pre-birth or post-natal support, or gifted to a friend to use within 3-month period. $1400

    Herbs and supplements are in addition to the consultation and treatment fees.


    Payment can be made by cash or card and health fund rebates (where applicable) for acupuncture can be claimed on the spot via HICAPS. Pre-paid programs are invoiced following each session, and may be claimed with health funds after treatment.


    Cancellation Please call or SMS me if you are unable to keep your appointment. Failure to notify me without 24 hours' notice will result in a charge for the full cost of the treatment.


    Dr Rachel Thornton (TCM)

    Rachel is an Acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine practitioner, holding a Bachelor of Health Science (Acupuncture).  She is registered with the Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and is a member of the Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association (AACMA).

    Rachel has been studying and practicing in the natural medicine field since 2003, and completed her Chinese medicine degree in Melbourne, Australia in 2010.


    Rachel has additional training in women's health, fertility and pregnancy care, including with the Fertile Life Method, and has trained with many formidable teachers of Chinese medicine and natural medicine.

    She approaches people with warmth and compassion and sees herself as part of her patients' healthcare 'team'.

    To be able to provide gentle, safe, and effective treatments with fewer needles, Rachel has completed professional development in Balance Method Acupuncture and Neoclassical Acupuncture.


    Rachel started her professional career in communications, human resources and organisational change management, working in Sydney, London and Melbourne. A collision with a Melbourne tram in 2002 changed her career direction!

    In 2017, Rachel relocated to Brisbane to be closer to extended family. She lives in a neuro-diverse household with her two children, an aloof cat named George, and a very affectionate puppy named Darcie (who may pop in to say hello from time to time).



    31 Aberfeldy Street, Kenmore


    The space is a soothing haven; a place where you can come for relaxation and care. Located in a suburban street, on the lower level of a private residence it is accessed via glass sliding doors at the end of the driveway.


    There is plenty of on street parking. Due to the clinic's proximity to Kenmore State High School, please be drive carefully around school pick up and drop off time periods.

    Rachel is available by appointment only. Book via 0404115028 or online via Access To Alternative Health

    If I am in session with a client and don't answer the phone, please send an SMS and I will get back to you.

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